Medical Report – Liberated Borg Rehabilitation Center
Attending Doctor: Edith Pert, MD; Starfleet Medical LBRC – London
Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Species: Borg, Human
Height: 180 cm
Status: Sedated. Melorazine.
Initial condition: Serious.
08:45 UTC—Patient had no change in condition overnight. Regeneration continues, with energy levels beginning to normalize. Lacerations and plasma burns are healing. Hairline fracture in left humerus is completely healed. Second patient arrived earlier. They look exactly alike.
09:46 UTC—Results are back. Patient is absolutely not related to any known human. Starfleet Intelligence requests both patients be placed back in stasis immediately. They are now believed to be part of Project [REDACTED], and are considered a major security issue for the Federation.
10:29 UTC—Both patients placed in stasis by orders of Starfleet Intelligence, and will remain there for up to two weeks, depending on how quickly Starfleet Intelligence can gather the experts they claim are necessary for this case. Patient condition will be monitored, but no medical reports will be written until experts arrive to further assess these drones.