Medical Report and Psychological Profile – Liberated Borg Rehabilitation Center
Attending Doctor: Edith Pert, MD; Starfleet Medical LBRC – London
Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Species: Borg, Human
Height: 180 cm
Status: Sedated. Melorazine.
Initial condition: Serious.
10:12 UTC—Area is being prepped for removing the patient from stasis. Regenerators are back in place. Patient will remain sedated until Starfleet Intelligence decides the facility is secure. Dr. Tulleni is supervising.
14:18 UTC—Patient is no longer in the stasis pod, and is strapped securely to the medical bed. There is a list of samples and scans everyone wants me to take before we revive the patient.
14:21 UTC—Blood and nanoprobe sample taken.
14:24 UTC—Tissue sample taken.
14:26 UTC—Hair sample taken.
15:20 UTC—Scan of implants and internal physiology complete.
15:31 UTC—Scan for implant transmissions complete. No signals detected.
16:00 UTC—Condition fair. Regenerator disengaged despite regeneration sequence not quite complete. Borg power levels adequate. Myself and Dr. Tulleni will revive the patient with Mrs. Wegere present to ask questions of the patient, to be noted in this log. Others are watching from the adjacent room, and can pass questions through Mrs. Wegere.
16:15 UTC—Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical
What is your name?
16:16 UTC—Patient 0771-79657-10-75
I am One of Twelve, Primary Nexus of Trimatrix 6623.
16:19 UTC—Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical, per Tuyo Allaron, Adm, SI
What do you mean by Primary Nexus? Do you mean Adjunct?
16:20 UTC—Patient 0771-79657-10-75
I make decisions. An Adjunct only coordinates decisions.
16:21 UTC—Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical, per Tuyo Allaron, Adm, SI
Do you mean you are the Queen of your Trimatrix?
16:22 UTC—Patient 0771-79657-10-75
I am One of Twelve, Primary Nexus of Trimatrix 6623.
16:25 UTC—Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical
My name is Petralla. Do you have a name other than your Borg designation?
16:26 UTC—Patient 0771-79657-10-75
I am One of Twelve, Primary Nexus of Trimatrix 6623.
16:26 UTC—Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical
May I call you One?
16:28 UTC—Patient 0771-79657-10-75
That will suffice.
16:30 UTC—Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical
One, we rescued a second drone like you off that cube. Do you know her name?
16:31 UTC—Patient 0771-79657-10-75
She is Two of Twelve, Primary Adjunct of Trimatrix 6623, Primary Nexus of Tactical Cube 01. What is her condition?
16:36 UTC—Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical, per Tuyo Allaron, Adm, SI
Are we correct in the understanding that you acted as the Nexus for the Trimatrix, while Two of Twelve acted as a Nexus only for the specific cube?
16:37 UTC—Patient 0771-79657-10-75
You are correct. What is her condition?
16:38 UTC—Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical
She is doing well. One, is there anything we can do to help you adjust to losing your link to the Collective?
18:55 UTC—Condition fair. Patient attempted to assimilate the regenerator attachments on the medical table. Patient was sedated, and placed in a standard regeneration alcove in another room. Minor changes to the Borg tech in the regenerator attachments were noted, and will be analyzed by technicians. Patient will be kept sedated at least overnight, but probably until Starfleet Intelligence has a chance to ask the same questions of the other drone. All personnel in proximity of patient and Borg tech are required to undergo decontamination procedures.