Category Archives: MEDLOG 0771-79657-10-75

Complete log of all Medical Records and Psychological Profiles for Starfleet patient 0771-79657-10-75.

Stardate 86172.00

Psychological Profile – U.S.S Lachesis
Attending Counselor: Z. Melinda Serrano, PsyD

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

86172.00—One of Twelve believes we are finally on the trail of her ten clones. What troubles her is she is uncertain how they will react when we catch up to them. She and Two of Twelve have both changed considerably in the past four years since their liberation, while the other ten most likely continue to operate with their original Borg programming. I had to reassure her that whatever happens, we will provide her clones with the same care, consideration, and attention we have shown to her and Two of Twelve.

Stardate 86124.50

Medical Report – U.S.S. Lachesis – Sickbay 1
Attending Doctor: Sururo, MD; CMO

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve
Rank: Captain
Age: 7
Species: Borg, Human
Height: 180 cm

86124.50—One of Twelve visited sickbay to have me check her assimilation tubules for dead nanoprobe buildup. There was no significant blockage, but I did clean out a few small clusters. I was curious if she could use her tubules to inject someone with her personal nanoprobes, and she claimed it was possible. I guess she just has orders not to do it.

Earthdate 2409-01-05 18:00 PST

Psychological Profile – U.S.S Lachesis
Attending Counselor: Z. Melinda Serrano, PsyD

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

18:00 PST (UTC-8)—The U.S.S. Lachesis received urgent orders to briefly return to Earth for the presentation of an unnamed award this afternoon. Upon our arrival at Starfleet Command in San Francisco this morning, it turned out that One of Twelve was to receive the Grankite Order of Tactics for her unconventional use of Multi-Vector Assault Mode last year. In a short but touching speech, she refused to accept the reward, claiming that doing so would be to ignore the sacrifices of the brave men and women Starfleet lost in that maneuver. She is doing exceptionally better with her public relations than she was only a year ago. As for the award, it will be placed alongside a memorial for those lost that day.

Stardate 85939.10

Psychological Profile – U.S.S Lachesis
Attending Counselor: Z. Melinda Serrano, PsyD

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

85939.10—I am uncertain if One of Twelve followed the doctor’s orders and took a full regeneration sequence, but I asked her to visit me as soon as I learned she was back on the bridge. We discussed her heroic action yesterday, where she risked her own life to save that of an unsuspecting crewmember. She said it was the only way to save both the Lieutenant and herself. If she had hesitated, either of them or perhaps both might not have survived. She also believes she can regenerate from injuries much faster than a non-Borg could recuperate. Earlier this year, I expect One of Twelve would have only saved herself, but by saving someone else, she demonstrated that she does think of others as more than just drones.

Stardate 85936.53

Medical Report – U.S.S. Lachesis – Sickbay 1
Attending Doctor: Sururo, MD; CMO

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve
Rank: Captain
Age: 7
Species: Borg, Human
Height: 180 cm
Status: Awake
Initial condition: Serious. One of Twelve has thermal burns to the front of her torso and face, along with numerous small puncture wounds.

85936.53—No good deed goes unpunished. Today’s response to a freighter’s distress call led to One of Twelve negotiating repairs with the freighter’s captain, who apparently does not like Borg, liberated or not. He beamed over to our conference room using their own transporter, and brought with him a small incendiary explosive device. There were no fatalities, and the freighter captain was captured without further incident. One of Twelve, however, took the brunt of the blast when she noticed the explosive device and pushed Lieutenant Mcmindes out of the way only a moment before the explosion. She will need surgery to clean and patch the puncture wounds, followed by dermal regeneration on the burns. The awkward part is I am unable to sedate her.

85937.03—I think I successfully extracted all the shrapnel. All the puncture wounds are closed.

85937.95—The dermal regeneration is complete. At this point, One of Twelve requires more time in her regeneration alcove than usual. I expect there will be some minor contusions around the puncture points for the next few days until her nanoprobes can rebuild those areas.

85937.99—One of Twelve was released to her quarters. She can return to duty following a full regeneration sequence. In short, she wouldn’t let me keep her in sickbay overnight.

Stardate 85810.56

Psychological Profile – U.S.S Lachesis
Attending Counselor: Z. Melinda Serrano, PsyD

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

85810.56—One of Twelve seems to be doing much better than before, and often comes to me seeking advice on the best way to handle various situations. Today she asked if it would be a good idea to send personal apologies to the families of the crewmembers who lost their lives under her command, specifically in reference to our tragic win a few months back. I told her that in this case, it was probably better to allow Starfleet to handle the matter since any apology from her, sincere or not, would be ridiculed as too little too late. I made sure she knew I was proud to have her finally taking the time to consult me about her actions before she made more social mistakes. It shows that not only does she care, but she wants to prevent herself from making similar mistakes in the future.

Stardate 85776.80

Medical Report – U.S.S. Lachesis – Sickbay 1
Attending Doctor: Sururo, MD; CMO

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve
Rank: Captain
Age: 7
Species: Borg, Human
Height: 180 cm

85776.80—One of Twelve arrived this morning to have me check over her assimilation tubules. There was no blockage, but I did detect and clear out some dead standard nanoprobes. Because this is an ongoing problem, I decided to send the nanoprobes to engineering for further analysis. I want to know if these are from specific drones or from the infusion Starfleet attempted.

85777.81—Note, Tori Mcmindes, Lt; Chief Engineer
Many of those nanoprobes in the sample were beat up, and some were badly scorched, with a residual coating suggesting a plasma fire. It took most of the day, but we finally managed to reactivate one of the nanoprobes. It immediately acted as if it already had instructions, so we believe it came from another drone at some point. If it was a Starfleet-replicated nanoprobe, it would have signaled for instructions from nearby nanoprobes.

85777.93—Reply to Note, Sururo, MD; CMO
According to your engineering report, these nanoprobes are most likely ones she was inadvertently exposed to during the defeat of her Borg Cube nearly four years ago. They are not the Starfleet-replicated nanoprobes used for regenerative infusions. I am not sure what One of Twelve will do with this information, since there seems to be nothing she can do other than let her body naturally remove this detritus in its own time.

85778.01—One of Twelve decided that the poor condition of these dead standard nanoprobes is the most likely cause of their removal creating problems and blockages. There is nothing she can do other than have us continue checking her tubules at regular intervals.

Earthdate 2408-09-30 14:31 UTC

Psychological Profile – Liberated Borg Rehabilitation Center
Attending Psychologist: Petralla Wegere, PsyD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

14:31 UTC—I believe One of Twelve is fit to return to duty. She is still rough around the edges, and probably always will be, but her weeks in sensitivity training seem to have had a positive effect on her. At the very least, she should be more considerate of the social ramifications of her actions, whether good or bad, and is beginning to understand, not just know intellectually, that people are not drones. Having helped her throughout this training, I believe her crewmembers will notice a marked difference. I recommend this training for all Liberated Borg personnel.

15:21 UTC—Note, Kutrizian Sodu
I thought we solved the empathy problem while she was still at Starfleet Academy.

17:39 UTC—Reply to Note, Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical
Mr. Sodu, I hope retirement on Risa is doing well for you. As far as I can tell, this problem is not quite related to her previous inability to empathize with others. Rather, we are dealing with a conflict between how she views subordinates and how Starfleet views subordinates. While she had enough empathy to understand her subordinates might not want to perform a suicide mission, she made no consideration of those opinions in her strategies. To her, it was nothing more than moving pawns in a chess game. She would sacrifice as many as needed to ensure her own victory. Life, however, is more complex than a simple strategic calculation, and that is what we hope this training taught her.

17:55 UTC—Reply to Note, Kutrizian Sodu
Very good. I hope it works out.

Earthdate 2408-09-09 11:53 UTC

Psychological Profile – Liberated Borg Rehabilitation Center
Attending Psychologist: Petralla Wegere, PsyD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

11:53 UTC—One of Twelve is very unhappy. I just sat with her through a four hour special hearing on her orders that resulted in the partial destruction of her ship and the loss of thirty-two lives, followed by an official reprimand for treating her crewmembers as Borg drones. She actually got off fairly easy, and won’t even lose her command. There was even talk of recommending her for an award on her unconventional strategy, despite the negative results. What upset her most were the restrictions placed on what she is allowed to do. No longer is she permitted to take her ship into combat without orders from a superior officer unless her ship is attacked. She also has to attend weekly counseling sessions, although there was no stipulation that they had to be included in her medical records. Of course, this will not take effect immediately. She and her crew are grounded for three weeks while the Lachesis undergoes repairs and One participates in an experimental training program I recommended be developed a few years back. I just hope it works. Unlike most Liberated Borg, One of Twelve never had a life prior to assimilation. This gives her a somewhat unique outlook on life that is not shared by most others. We need to teach her that every life is just as valuable as the collective, not expendable.

Stardate 85651.83

Psychological Profile – U.S.S Lachesis
Attending Counselor: Z. Melinda Serrano, PsyD

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

85651.83—A battle against a Vo’quv Carrier that was sending raiding parties to attack a freighter convoy four days ago is going to put this crew through some difficult times. There were thirty-two casualties and countless wounded, but One of Twelve considers it a solid victory. Those of us who made it to Beta Section before the ship separated into multi-vector assault mode survived, but the skeleton crews remaining on Alpha and Gamma Sections are gone after the Captain sent them to ram the carrier while Beta Section provided supporting fire to take down its shields. The Lachesis is a warship, so we do not carry families, but quite a few crewmembers lost friends. It will be very difficult for them to cope. One of Twelve, however, believes they will adapt. She needs to learn that she cannot act as if the people aboard this ship are drones.

85652.45—Note, Wendall Werralk, Adm, Starfleet Intelligence
The U.S.S. Lachesis will receive emergency orders to return to the Beta Antares Shipyards for new Alpha and Gamma Sections. Mrs. Serrano, we are recalling Mrs. Wegere to assist with One of Twelve, who will be required to attend new ‘sensitivity’ training developed by Liberated Borg for Liberated Borg. We lament the loss of brave men and women from the Lachesis, and will do everything we can to help the remaining crew overcome this tragedy. Due to the sensitive topic, the rest of this report has been redacted. Please submit valid requests for this report through Starfleet Intelligence’s Task Force Omega department.